VETERINARYHelp of the official universities partner agency of many European medical universities to start studying VETERINARY in Kosice.

The second largest city in Slovakia in terms of population (239,000 inhabitants in 2016), the third –
after Bratislava and the High Tatras (Vysoké Tatry) – in terms of area (243,7 km²) and the largest city in eastern Slovakia. Košice is the seat of the authorities of the Košice region and Koszyce-around district, as well as the
central metropolitan center of the Košice-Prešov agglomeration. They also constitute a cultural,
educational, recreational and tourist center.
They are located in the historical region of Abov (20 km from the border with Hungary, 90 km from
the border with Ukraine and with Poland). They are called the “iron or steel heart” of Slovakia, thanks to the largest ironworks in Slovakia, which is located in the city.

Cynology, Safety of Food and Feed, Animal Science, and Man-Animal Relationship and its Use in
Canistherapy and Hippotherapy, DVM (Doctor of Veterinary Medicine) degree study programmes,
which include General Veterinary Medicine and Food Hygiene, and master study programmes in
Pharmacy and Market and Food Quality. The mission of UVMP in Košice, as a part of the European Higher Education Area (EHEA) and
common European Research Area (ERA), is to develop a harmonious personality, knowledge,
wisdom, goodness and creativity in man and to contribute to development of education, science,
culture and health for the welfare of the whole society and development of knowledge-based
koszyce, universytet
Entrance exam
1The entrance exam consists of 120 test questions (from biology and chemistry). The questions
correspond to the level of knowledge of high school exam. Exam questions are very similar or
identical to those that can be found in the set of questions that can be bought from us or directly
from the university. Thanks to this, candidates are able to prepare for the exam and write it without
problems at 90% -100%
In 2024 the entrance examinations will be on:
21.05.2024 in Koszyce (deadline for documents by 02.05.2024)
25.06.2024 in Koszyce (deadline for documents by 06.06.2024)
14.08.2024 in Koszyce (deadline for documents by 26.08.2024)
In order to sign the candidate for the entrance examination, we must receive the documents at the
Aleja 1000-lecia 65
34-400 Nowy Targ
Filip Rzepecki
At the beginning, you must send us a scan of your high school graduation certificate and a
secondary school certificate (if you do not already have any of the certificates because you are in
the lat high school class, please contact us because it is possible to register you for the entrance
examination before receiving such a certificate) email address – biuro.medycyna@gmail.com
After the initial verification of scans, the lady responsible for recruitment from the university will
contact you and ask you to provide:
1) Signed application which you will receive by e-mail
2) Confirmation of the transfer of the recruitment fee
3) Secondary school-leaving certificate and secondary school-leaving certificate // (originals or
notarial copies + sworn translations into Slovak)
4) Passport size photo
After delivering the documents to the university by mail, you will receive an email or letter with an
invitation to the exam. Then you will come to the exam where we will wait for you and help you if
8.500€ for the entire academic year with the possibility to divide the fee into 2 semesters
Recruitment fee – 50€
Pool of questions for the entrance exam HERE
We do not charge any additional fees for our work. We are official representatives of the Comenius
University diploma
The university diploma is recognized in whole European Union without the need to validate or pass additional exams.
On our part, you can count on fast and efficient administration related to the recruitment of
candidates for medical studies (we have been providing our services since 2011, over 500
candidates have already used our help), assistance in finding a flat and checking the rental contract,
permanent contact in case of any problems while studying.